What Is a Cycle in Baseball? The Ultimate Guide

A college baseball player looks on after he hits the ball.

There are so many records and feats that can happen in baseball, with some being rarer than others. One of the rarer things that can happen in baseball is someone hitting for the “cycle”. So, what is the cycle in baseball? A cycle in baseball is when a player hits a single, double, triple, and … Read more

What Is Defensive Indifference in Baseball? A Complete Guide

A runner attempts to steal 2nd base.

There are so many rules in baseball that fans have to keep up with that doing so can seem daunting. One of these lesser-known rules is “defensive indifference”. So, what is defensive indifference in baseball? Defensive indifference is when the defense makes no attempt to throw out a baserunner that is attempting to steal a … Read more

What Is wOBA in Baseball? And How to Calculate the Stat

An MLB player holds his follow through after hitting the ball.

Reaching base is the most important thing a batter can do in baseball. Getting on base more often equates to scoring more runs and ultimately winning more games. But, some methods of reaching base are more effective than others in scoring runs, which is what wOBA measures. So, what is wOBA in baseball? Weighted on-base … Read more

What Is the Mercy Rule in Baseball? And Why it Exists

The batter awaits the oncoming pitch.

The mercy rule is a part of many sports, including baseball. There are many variations of the rule, which might be confusing for someone unfamiliar with it. So, what is the mercy rule in baseball? The mercy rule in baseball ends a game early when one team is winning by a significant number of runs, … Read more

Passed Balls and Wild Pitches: How They Compare

The baseball slips away from the Little League catcher as the umpire looks on.

As much as a fan of baseball might want every pitch to be perfectly thrown by a pitcher and caught correctly by the catcher, the reality is that this is just not the case. Mistakes happen. At times, a pitcher will throw the ball where he never intended, or a catcher will have trouble catching … Read more

What Is a Shortstop in Baseball? A Positional Guide

A shortstop makes a catch at second to get the runner out.

Whether you play or watch baseball, you’re bound to hear the word “shortstop” mentioned at least once or twice per game. If you’re still learning your baseball lingo, then the first thing to know is that a shortstop isn’t a reference to the ball stopping short of a player. So, what is a shortstop in … Read more

What Is Catcher’s Interference in Baseball?

A catcher stands up to reach an outside pitch.

If you ever watch or play baseball, you’re probably aware of how close the catcher and the batter stand to one another. While there is a batter’s box designed to protect both players by providing boundaries, there are times when a catcher might reach into the space unintentionally and get called for “catcher’s interference.” So, … Read more