What Is ERA in Baseball? A Complete Guide to the Statistic

For about as long as baseball has been played, players, coaches, and fans have pondered about how to properly evaluate players. As times change, the methods of evaluating players have evolved. Since pitchers tend to come under the most scrutiny of any position and are generally considered to be the most critical asset to a … Read more

What Is OPS in Baseball? Well, It Measures…

There are many ways to assess baseball players, and there are many schools of thought on what is the best way to do so. Earned Run Average (ERA) is generally the best traditional stat to determine the effectiveness of a pitcher. However, to evaluate hitters, one popular metric to gauge their overall effectiveness is “OPS”. … Read more

Baseball Positions: The Role of Each Player on the Field

Even if you haven’t watched much baseball, most people know that baseball features nine men on the field. Along with three strikes constituting an out and three outs in an inning, the number of players on the field is one of the few original rules of baseball from 1846 that remain today. While you probably … Read more

What Is an Error in Baseball? And How to Score Them

There is a large depth of defensive statistics in the game of baseball, the one that is most commonly used though, is the error. On the surface, an error seems obvious to when it’s used, when a player fails defensively they get an error, right? Well, it’s not always that easy. So, what is an … Read more

What Does It Mean to Tip Your Pitches in Baseball?

For about as long as people have been playing baseball, batters have been looking for ways both inside and outside the rules to make their job of hitting that round ball easier. Sometimes, though, the pitcher inadvertently helps them out by tipping their pitches. So, what does it mean to tip your pitches? When a … Read more

What Is a Walk-Off in Baseball? A Complete Guide

A baseball game can end in a variety of different ways. Most games end with the winning team in the field, recording the third out of the final inning, then converging near the pitcher’s mound to give each other congratulatory handshakes and high-fives Some games, though, have a very different scene at the end of … Read more