What Is a Draw Play in Football? The Ultimate Guide

The Air Force QB hands the ball off to the running back during a draw play.

When it comes to running plays in football, teams have a lot of options, which can be broken up into running or passing plays. Many of these plays are straightforward but others, such as the draw play, involve some misdirection. So, what is a draw play in football? A draw play in football is a … Read more

What Is a Free Kick in Football? Everything You Need to Know

A college football player attempts a free kick.

The kicking game in football is significantly different from the offensive and defensive phases of the game. Although different, many of these phases are well-known to viewers and participants alike. However, the “free kick”, or “fair-catch kick”, is an obscure play. So, what is a free kick in football? A free kick is an optional play … Read more

Football Routes 101: A Complete Guide to the Route Tree

A high school wide receiver looks toward the quarterback as he lines up on the line of scrimmage.

Those familiar and unfamiliar with football understand the game is characterized by running and passing the ball. What a lot of people don’t know is the number of routes there are and how to run them successfully. So, what are routes in football? Routes are patterns that receivers run on each play to get open … Read more

What Is a Runback in Football? A Complete Guide

A football player prepares to runback the ball.

There are a lot of terms you’ll hear during a football game, and some of them are very common, like “touchdown” and “quarterback”, but others are less common, like “runback”. While runback may sound similar to the running back position, they’re completely different. So, what is a runback in football? A runback in football is … Read more

What Is a Fumble in Football? Rules, Records, and More

A Pee Wee football player fumbles the ball.

A fumble can change the outcome and complexion of a football game on a dime, either sealing a game with a defensive stop or giving an offense one final chance at a game-winning drive. So… What is a fumble in football? A fumble is when an offensive player loses possession of the football before they’re … Read more

What Is Delay of Game in Football? The Ultimate Guide

A view of Wisconsin's field during a college football game.

Delay of game is an often-overlooked penalty compared to more common or well-known ones such as holding, false start, offside, and pass interference. So… What is delay of game? Delay of game is a penalty that’s called when the offense fails to snap the ball before the play clock runs out. Delay of game is … Read more

What Is a Hot Route in Football? And How to Run One

The TCU quarterback calls for a hot route.

In football, there are many routes that receivers can run on every play, with each having its own role in the playbook. One of the lesser-known routes is known as a “hot route”. So, what is a hot route in football? A hot route is a pattern that’s run by offensive players to take advantage … Read more

What Is a Wheel Route in Football? A Complete Overview

A high school football player catches the ball during a wheel route.

Keeping up with football passing routes can be tricky! With different names paired with each route and dozens of routes for each position, players and fans alike may find themselves scratching their heads at the mention of a wheel route. So, what is a wheel route in football? A wheel route is an offensive play … Read more