What Is a Seam Route in Football? The Ultimate Guide

A college receiver gets tackled by two defenders.

If you’ve watched football, you’ve noticed that the receivers on the team run different routes on each play. One of the most effective of these is the “seam” route, which is part of every team’s playbook. So, what is a seam route in football? A seam route is a pass-catching route where a receiver runs … Read more

What Is a Hard Count in Football? And Why it Works

The quarterback tries drawing the defense offsides with a hard count.

American football is often associated with breath-taking action, big hits, and brute force. However, there are certain aspects of the game that require trickery and deception rather than simply overpowering your opponent. One of these forms of trickery is what’s referred to as a hard count. So, what is a hard count in football? A … Read more

What Is the Red Zone in Football? Your Personal Guide

A college football player makes a one-handed catch in the red zone.

One of the most unique and traditional terms associated with American football is that of the “red zone.”  The term is widely used among coaches and players and you’re likely to hear it used by television broadcasters and radio hosts alike when a team enters the red zone or when a team is pushed out … Read more

Why Do Football Players Wear Eye Black?

A football player with eye black smiling.

If you’ve ever watched a football game at any level, you’ve likely seen a player with eye black under or around their eyes. This often looks quite intimidating, but is there another purpose to those marks? If you’ve ever wondered this, don’t worry – you’re not alone! So, why do football players wear eye black? … Read more

What Is Unsportsmanlike Conduct in Football?

Youth football players line up for stretching.

Unsportsmanlike conduct is a major penalty in football and carries the harshest punishment out of all football penalties. It’s also a penalty that is designed to make football a tamer and more gentlemanly game. As such, not everyone agrees with the current unsportsmanlike conduct rules. Unsportsmanlike conduct is a general term that covers several different … Read more

What Is a Franchise Tag in Football? And How It Works

A Vikings player stiff arms a Chiefs player while getting tackled.

When it comes to watching the NFL, you may hear things about players being “an x-round draft pick”, a quarterback winning the Heisman or free agents being picked up by a team. You may have also heard of players being franchise tagged, which is a bit more uncommon. So, what is a franchise tag in … Read more