What Is an Eagle in Golf? Meaning and Odds of Happening

Aerial view of a golf course.

In golf, an eagle is something reserved for those good enough to get one through athletic skill and golfing ability or those fortunate enough to be rewarded by lady luck or the golfing gods. In either case, getting an eagle is not something a golfer will soon forget. So, what is an eagle in golf? … Read more

What Is a Draw in Golf? And How to Hit One

Golfer lines his driver up with the ball.

Hitting a golf ball is as much a form of art as it is a sport. Ask an artist to draw and watch them use pen and paper to construct a work of art right before your eyes. Ask a golfer to draw and witness them use a golf club and ball to create one … Read more

What Is a Slice in Golf? And How to Fix One

A junior golfer slices the golf ball.

Mishits in golf are a common occurrence no matter the skill level. Among the many types of golf mishits, including tops, duffs, chunks, and hosel rockets, it’s the slice that keeps golfers up at night and can be a difficult mishit for the average golfer to overcome without professional help. So, what is a slice … Read more

What Is a Golf Handicap? The Ultimate Guide

A golfer putts the golf ball.

A common question heard on the first tee of any golf course is ‘What is your handicap?’ For new golfers, the term handicap can seem foreign and out of place, but a golfer’s handicap is an essential part of the game of golf. So, what is a golf handicap? A golf handicap is a measure … Read more

What Is a Fade in Golf? And How to Hit One

A golfer lines up to tee off on a hole.

Rare is the golfer that relies solely on hitting straight shots. Golf requires its players to possess the ability to shape shots to combat natural elements like wind and to maneuver around obstacles like trees. One such shot type relied heavily upon by golfers of all abilities is the fade. So, what is a fade … Read more

What Is a Condor in Golf? Meaning and Odds of Happening

A golfer lines up their driver behind a tee'd up ball.

In the grand pecking order of scoring terms in the golf world, the condor reigns supreme. The chances of a golfer recording a condor on their scorecard are so rare that it is more likely they’ll get struck by lightning or even better, win the lottery. So, what is a condor in golf? A condor … Read more

Is Golf a Sport? Answering the Question Once and for All!

A Golfer prepares to tee off with his driver

A long-held debate within sports circles has centered on whether golf is a sport. With funny-looking outfits and leisurely rides in golf carts, the naysayers are always quick to present their case that it isn’t. However, recent inclusion in the Olympics and the Oxford definition of sport says otherwise. So, is golf a sport? Yes, … Read more

What Is Par in Golf? Scoring Term Explained

For new golfers, learning the intricacies of the game is ‘par for the course’. In fact, the word par is one of the most frequently used words in golf. So, understanding what par is and how to make one is vital to any person’s success in the game of golf. So, what is par in … Read more

What Is a Birdie in Golf? Meaning and How to Earn One

Step foot on a golf course and oftentimes you are immersed in a sprawling natural landscape full of trees, lakes, rivers, wildlife, and birdies. A birdie might not have two wings, but scoring a birdie might be something to sing about. So, what is a birdie in golf? A birdie is a term for a … Read more

10+ Reasons Why Kids Should Play Sports in Their Free Time

Sports aren’t just for our viewing entertainment. People of all ages and skill levels can play sports with friends at the park or in a local league. For kids, sports can teach valuable life lessons, create healthy habits, and help them grow into responsible adults. The physical benefits of playing sports include promoting an active … Read more