Football Routes 101: A Complete Guide to the Route Tree

A high school wide receiver looks toward the quarterback as he lines up on the line of scrimmage.

Those familiar and unfamiliar with football understand the game is characterized by running and passing the ball. What a lot of people don’t know is the number of routes there are and how to run them successfully. So, what are routes in football? Routes are patterns that receivers run on each play to get open … Read more

What Is Face Angle in Golf? And Why It’s Crucial

A golfer sets up a neutral face angle with their driver.

There are a lot of terminologies to learn when it comes to the game of golf. While there are a lot of terms you can get away with not knowing, “face angle” is one that you should have a good understanding of. So, what is face angle in golf? Face angle measures the face of … Read more

What Is a Runback in Football? A Complete Guide

A football player prepares to runback the ball.

There are a lot of terms you’ll hear during a football game, and some of them are very common, like “touchdown” and “quarterback”, but others are less common, like “runback”. While runback may sound similar to the running back position, they’re completely different. So, what is a runback in football? A runback in football is … Read more

What Is Effective Field Goal Percentage? A Complete Guide

The basketball player in red and yellow goes up for a shot near the rim.

Effective field goal percentage is just one type of advanced stat that can be used to evaluate individual basketball players or teams. While it can appear to be a confusing stat, effective field goal percentage really isn’t hard to understand. So, what is effective field goal percentage? Effective field goal percentage or eFG% is a … Read more

What Is a Shortstop in Baseball? A Positional Guide

A shortstop makes a catch at second to get the runner out.

Whether you play or watch baseball, you’re bound to hear the word “shortstop” mentioned at least once or twice per game. If you’re still learning your baseball lingo, then the first thing to know is that a shortstop isn’t a reference to the ball stopping short of a player. So, what is a shortstop in … Read more

What Is Lie Angle in Golf? And Why It’s Important

Zoomed in photo of a golfer's lie angle.

Hitting a golf ball purely and accurately on a consistent basis is probably one of the toughest things to do in sports. There are so many factors that can alter or ruin your shots, and one of these is the “lie angle” of your club. So, what is lie angle in golf? Lie angle refers … Read more