What Is the Mendoza Line in Baseball? The Ultimate Guide

The batter, catcher, and umpire await the pitch.

If you follow baseball, you know that some players are better at batting than others. Then, there are batters who struggle mightily at the plate. Struggle too much, and you might find yourself below the “Mendoza line.” So, what is the Mendoza line in baseball? The Mendoza line is a batting average of .200 or … Read more

How Many Innings Are in a Baseball Game? A Complete Guide

An upper-deck view of Yankee Stadium.

Have you ever browsed your local sports channels and thought “Wow, it seems like this baseball game has been on forever – what inning is it?” We’ve all been there. So, how many innings are in a baseball game? Nine innings is the standard regulation length for professional, semi-professional, and collegiate baseball games. Standard regulation … Read more

What Is a Dropped Third Strike? How the Rule Works

A catcher drops a third strike.

The world of sports is full of strange terms and rules that are unknown to casual viewers of the game. Even avid followers sometimes don’t know the complete letter of the law when it comes to some rules. One of these rules has to do with a dropped third strike. So, what is a dropped … Read more

What Is a Quick Pitch in Baseball? A Detailed Overview

A pitcher throws a pitch at Coors Field.

When watching baseball games, you may wonder why pitchers don’t try to sneak in surprise pitches past the batters. Well, it’s not a new idea. It’s called a ‘quick pitch’. So, what exactly is a quick pitch in baseball? A quick pitch in baseball is when a pitcher delivers a pitch from a set position … Read more