The Ultimate Guide to Batting Average in Baseball

Hall of Famer Ted Williams once said that baseball is perhaps the only field where a person can be successful three out of ten times and be considered a good performer at their job. So what was he referencing by saying someone could fail that often but still be successful? He was referencing a hitter’s … Read more

What Are Signs in Baseball? Signs & Sign Stealing Explained

Like most sports, baseball requires instructions and guidance from the sidelines. In most sports, coaches shout instructions from the sideline, often involving calling a play or a certain alignment, or something of that sort. Baseball does the same thing but through the use of signs. So, what are signs in baseball? Signs are a non-verbal … Read more

What Is MVR in Baseball? A Detailed Guide to the Rule

When you attend a Major League Baseball (MLB) game and look up at the massive scoreboard that’s in the outfield of virtually every park, you will usually notice several columns towards the end of the line score. There are your usual runs, hits, and errors for both teams, and then some parks have runners left … Read more

What Is a Shutout in Baseball? Meaning and Historical Stats

Sometimes in baseball, it’s just not your team’s day. Whether the hitters are hitting rockets right at defenders, or the opposing pitcher is locked in, sometimes the runs just simply don’t come, making the possibility of getting shutout a real thing. So, what is a shutout in baseball? A shutout in baseball is when one … Read more