What Is a Shutout in Baseball? Meaning and Historical Stats

Sometimes in baseball, it’s just not your team’s day. Whether the hitters are hitting rockets right at defenders, or the opposing pitcher is locked in, sometimes the runs just simply don’t come, making the possibility of getting shutout a real thing. So, what is a shutout in baseball? A shutout in baseball is when one … Read more

What Is the Paint in Basketball? The Definitive Guide

If you play basketball long enough, there are things you will inevitably hear. Some of these things include “and one!”, “Keep shooting!” and “go hard in the paint!” But what exactly is the paint in basketball? The paint is the rectangular area under the basket that stretches from the baseline to the free-throw line, which … Read more

How Fast Do Hockey Players Skate? They Clock in at…

Watching hockey on TV or in person, it might seem like the players are gliding across the ice, but they have to pump their legs to build up any speed. So, with that in mind: How fast do hockey players skate? Professional hockey players generally skate in the 10-20 mph (16-32 km/h) range, with the … Read more

What Is Interference in Hockey? A Complete Look at the Rule

If you watch or play hockey, chances are that you have a good idea of what interference entails but the penalty can still be confusing for hockey enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Adding to the confusion is the different scenarios in which interference can be called. So let’s jump into the question at hand: What is … Read more