What Is the 3 Batter Minimum Rule in Baseball?

A baseball pitcher throws a pitch.

Pitching changes are a common sight in baseball – way too common depending on who you ask. Because of this, Major League Baseball (MLB) instituted a three batter rule. So, what exactly is the three batter minimum rule in baseball? The three-batter minimum rule requires every pitcher to face at least three batters before a … Read more

What Is FIP in Baseball? The Ultimate Guide to the Statistic

If you’re around baseball much, one of the things that you’re bound to hear is that you want pitchers to have low ERAs. Seems simple enough, right? Well, maybe not, because different pitchers pitch in front of defenses of varying quality and in ballparks whose pitching conditions vary, leading to another statistic to evaluate pitchers: … Read more

What Is a Utility Player in Baseball? A Complete Guide

In life, people like things that are good for multiple purposes, whatever that may be. In baseball, the same applies to players who are versatile because there will be occasions where a player gets hurt, ejected, or can’t go for some reason. That’s where a utility player can come in to save the day. So, … Read more