What Is Effective Field Goal Percentage? A Complete Guide

The basketball player in red and yellow goes up for a shot near the rim.

Effective field goal percentage is just one type of advanced stat that can be used to evaluate individual basketball players or teams. While it can appear to be a confusing stat, effective field goal percentage really isn’t hard to understand. So, what is effective field goal percentage? Effective field goal percentage or eFG% is a … Read more

What Is an Over the Back Foul in Basketball?

A basketball player commits an over the back foul while going for a rebound.

An over the back foul is one of the most confusing fouls in the game of basketball. However, over the back fouls are more nuanced than that, and understanding them can be crucial to a team’s success on the court. So, what is an over the back foul in basketball? An over the back foul … Read more

How Much Do NBA Coaches Make? A Complete Salary Overview

The Boston Garden's scoreboard.

The NBA is one of the most popular professional sports leagues in the U.S. and around the world. Stars like LeBron James and Stephen Curry are the driving force that brings people out to watch games, but teams wouldn’t exist without coaches. And while coaches are paramount to a team’s success, they’re usually paid a … Read more